Saturday, August 23, 2008

Improve Hard Disk Speed

Improve Hard Disk Speed

If hard disk of your computer or server is taking too much time to get the result, then to improve your hard disk speed you will need to configure a special buffer in the computer’s memory in order to enable it to better deal with interrupts made from the disk. This tip is only recommended if your computer or server has 256MB RAM or higher.

Step 1:

Run SYSEDIT.EXE from the Run command.

Step 2:

Expand the system.ini file window.

Step 3:

Scroll down almost to the end of the file till you find a line called [386enh].

Step 4:

Press Enter to make one blank line, and in that line type


Note: This line IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!

Step 5:Click on the File menu, then choose Save.

Step 6:

Close SYSEDIT and reboot your computer or server.


Speed improvement will be noticed after the computer reboots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is something you all should know before adding this to your system.ini file. read it carefully. what will actually happen when we add this line "IRQ14=4096" in system.ini

This is a made up nonexistent command that does absolutely nothing. The System.ini and Win.ini files are provided in Windows XP for backward compatibility with 16-bit applications (MS-DOS-based programs). They have no effect on any Windows XP settings or 32-bit applications which are stored in the Registry.

Thanks alot



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